HSI Contact Us
Getting Started
1. Send your schematic
​Our design staff will recommend the best fabrication techniques and propose a hybrid to maximize reliability and minimize cost.

2. Evaluate the Layout
​Our staff develop the layout and artwork and submit a package for your sign-off.
After your signed approval, our team builds screens. If needed, we build laser probe cards, text fixtures, and hardware.
We develop the test procedure or utilize customer-supplied instructions.

3. Prototype Run for First Article
​We produce, test, and 100% inspect a limited quantity of circuits for your approval.

4. Production Run
​We schedule and build to applicable AS, Military, and Quality Standards. Certificate of Compliance available on request.
Get Quote
2950 43rd Avenue
Vero Beach, FL 32960
Voice: (772) 563-9100
Fax: (772) 563-9200
Email: ThickFilm@HybridSources.com